Represented by Deuss Gallery Antwerp, BE & Galerie Wilms Venlo, NL

Happening now:
25/01/2025 - 26/04/2025 Solo exhibition “Particles” at Cultuurcentrum de Factorij, Zaventem
25/01/2025 Release of new photography book “Particles” published by
Origini Edizioni, Italy

​“In a decade’s time Julie van der Vaart evolved from a promising photographer into a weathered artist. Van der Vaart has the DNA of the scientist-philosopher-naturalist-explorer. She keeps seeking for different angles on a set of recurrent underlying themes. Her themes are: subjectivity of time, mathematical singularity, vastness of the cosmos, mortality, nature, and thus also the driving force of the universe: eros. But at the heart of the oeuvre of Julie van der Vaart also sits a timid, yet abundant, mystery. In a way, her photography seems to articulate an inner conflict between passion for science and a suppressed feeling for spirituality. This wonderful duality has trickled down in the latter artworks in her libraric, analogue oeuvre. Throughout this oeuvre JVDV develops form and method to keep up with the requirements of her themes. Science, time, cosmos and spirituality are hence translated in star spangled nudes, esoteric b&w landscapes and timeless caves.” - Peter Waterschoot



2021-2023: Masterclass Reflexions 2.0

2016-2017: Jan van Eyck academie, Maastricht, NL

2014-2015: Master of Research in Art and Design; Sint Lucas, Antwerpen, BE

2013-2014: M Studios, Museum M, Leuven, BE

2013-2014: Teacher Training Visual Arts; Media, Arts & Design-faculty, PXL, Hasselt, BE

2009-2013: Bachelor & Master Fine-arts, Photography; Media, Arts & Design-faculty, KHLim Genk, BE


2023: 3rd prize “Gomma Black and White Awards”

2020: Shortlisted, Gomma Photography Grant

2020-2024: Stipendium for Established Artists, The Mondriaan Fund, NL

2019: Shortlisted, Siena International Photo Awards

2018: Shortlisted, Gomma Photography Grant

2015: Shortlisted, Sony World Photography Awards, category “Conceptual”

2014: Shortlisted, Gomma Photography Grant

2011: Photo Academy Award Amsterdam, Winner category ”d’jonge hond”, NL

2011: 1st Prize ”The Golden Lens”, 33rd International Photo-Festival, Knokke-Heist, BE

2011: 1st Prize ”Portraits… made in Limburg”, Nieuwerkerken, BE

Solo/Duo Exhibitions:

2025: “Particles”, Cultuurcentrum de Factorij, Zaventem, BE

2024: “Black Cloud”, Galerie Leneuf Sinibaldi, Paris, FR

2023: “Black Cloud”, with Ronald Zuurmond, Galerie Wilms, Venlo, NL

2022: “Black Cloud”, Deuss Gallery, Antwerp, BE

2021: “Deep Time” with Ulrike Heydenreich, Galerie Wilms, Venlo, NL

2020: “The Field of The Unknown”, with Fabio Roncato, Deuss Gallery, Antwerp, BE

2019: "The Shell Of Man", with Guido Paulussen, StonePhoto, Stein, NL

2018: "Beyond Time", Deuss Gallery, Antwerp, BE

2018: "Beyond Time / Still", with Debby Thijs, 44 Gallery, Bruges, BE

2018: "The Shell Of Man", with Guido Paulussen, Suzanne Biederberg Gallery, Amsterdam, NL

2016: “Beyond Time”, Het Kabinet - CIAP, Hasselt, BE

2015: “Introspection”, with Camille Renée Devid, 44 Gallery, Bruges, BE

2015: “Dusk”, MINT Galerie, Gent, BE

2014: “Le Sentiment de l'Éphémère” Cultureel Centrum, Lanaken, BE

2011: ”Stranger to Myself”, Lumière, Maastricht, NL

Group Exhibitions:

2024: “Innig”, Kunstplatform Stek, Torhout, BE

2024: “Unseen” art fair with Galerie Wilms, Amsterdam, NL

2024: “Efemeer”, Kunstplatform Stek, Torhout, BE

2023: “Index Naturae” part of Omnefest, Villa Parco Bolasco, Veneto, IT

2023: “Unseen” art fair with Galerie Wilms, Amsterdam, NL

2023: “KunstRAI” art fair with Galerie Wilms, Amsterdam, NL

2023: “Eventually, everything connects”, Deuss Gallery, Antwerp, BE

2022: “La Nuu” Photofestival in Rubí, ES

2022: “Plussing” Curated by Jonas Vansteenkiste & Ilka De Wilde, Contemporary Art Platform WARP, Sint-Niklaas, BE

2022: “ROOK” Curated by Charlot Winne & Tom van Ryckeghem, art route in the city of Wervik, BE

2022: “Galerie Wilms 15 years”, Venlo, NL

2022: “KunstRAI” art fair with Galerie Wilms, Amsterdam, NL

2021: “Unseen” art fair with Deuss Gallery, Amsterdam, NL

2021: “KunstRAI” art fair with Galerie Wilms, Amsterdam, NL

2021: “Échapées Belles” a project by Lise Bruyneel and Julie Calbert, in the streets of Saint-Gillis, Brussels, BE

2021: “Nouvelles Vagues” Curated by Emmanuel d'Autreppe, Xème Biennale de photographie en Condroz, BE

2021: “Blues” Curated by Joost Vandebrug, Deuss Gallery, Antwerp, BE

2021: “Ondersporen” Curated by Emmanuel d'Autreppe, Cultureel Centrum Hasselt, BE

2020: “Amuse”, Galerie Wilms, Venlo, NL

2020: “EXI(S)T”, various locations on the streets of Brussels, BE

2020: “Boudin Noir”, Cultural Center Alter Schlachthof, Eupen, BE

2019: “Hunger” curated by Void Magazine, Online exhibition, PHmuseum

2019: “Amuse”, Galerie Wilms, Venlo, NL

2019: “Amuse” op PAN Amsterdam met Galerie Wilms, Amsterdam, NL

2018: "Internationaal Fotofestival Leiden", various locations, Leiden, NL

2018: "B is for Bird", Museum Kranenburgh, Bergen, NL

2018: "Fuseé de la Motographie", Quai de la Roquette, Arles, FR

2017: “Open Studio’s”, Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, NL

2017: “Amsterdam Art Fair”, Johan Deumens Gallery, Amsterdam, NL

2017: “We traveled across seven mountains”, Cultuurcentrum Mechelen, BE

2017: “Musée de la Photographie de Bruxelles”, Recyclart, Brussels, BE

2017: "You want it darker", Garage Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL

2017: "Turn/Return - Brugge Foto", Bogardenkapel, Brugge, BE

2016: “Der Greif proces 2.0”, Krakow Photomonth Festival, Krakow, PL

2016: “Intimité / Identité / Réalités Contemporaines: Les nouvelles publications photographiques”, More Than A Gallery, Paris, FR

2016: “Intimacy Under The Milky Way”, PAK&44Gallery, Gistel, BE

2016: “Stitch”, OFFF by night, Antwerp, BE

2016: “Dog Day Cabinet 2”, Le Clignoteur, Brussels, BE

2015: “Eclipse”, Gevangenis Noord Singel, Rotterdam, NL

2015: “Love Will Tear Us Apart”, HAL, Antwerpen, BE

2015: “Poppositions”, KanalWharf, Brussels, BE

2015: “Sony World Photography Award” Somerset House, London, UK

2015: “Imaginary Line”, Face to Face Gallery, Tokyo, JP

2015: “Game of Roles” Paris-Texas, Antwerpen, BE

2015: “Unexposed - TWENS”, CC Romaanse Poort, Leuven, BE

2015: “Internationaal Fotofestival Leiden”, various locations, Leiden, NL

2015: “Une Infinité de Similitudes”, Atelier Néerlandais, Paris, FR

2014: “Here’s looking at you, kid!”, Arts Center BELGIE, Hasselt, BE

2014: “Test Case”, SLAC, Leuven, BE

2014: “Der Greif - A Process”, Neue Galerie im Höhmannhaus, Augsburg, DE

2014: “D!NG exhibition”, R.A.A.M., Kortrijk, BE

2014: “Extra Fort”, Artist Talk + Projection, Recyclart Art Center, Brussels, BE

2014: “The Ones We Love”, Viaduct Gallery, Des Moines, USA

2014: “Unexposed - TWENS”, CC Romaanse Poort, Leuven, BE

2014: “Open Monumentendag”, Waterburcht Pietersheim, Lanaken, BE

2014: “Photoville NY”, Brooklyn Bridge Park, New York, USA

2014: “The White Rabbit”, Bacteriologisch Instituut, Leuven, BE

2014: “Internationaal Fotofestival Leiden”, various locations, Leiden, NL

2014: “vlees. #1”, Leopoldskazerne, Gent, BE

2014: “Reminisce”, Voka Kamer van Koophandel, Hasselt, BE

2014: “New Dutch Photography Talent” Exhibition + Book Launch, 5&33, Amsterdam, NL

2014: “Check”, Museum M, Leuven, BE

2013: “Out of Space”, House for Contemporary Art Z33, Hasselt, BE

2013: ”1000 Photos Amsterdam”, Melkweg Galerie, Amsterdam, NL

2013: “EXIT 2013”, Mijn van Waterschei, Genk, BE

2013: “YET SHOW 8”, 44 Gallery, Brugge, BE 

2013: ”Pop-up Expo AmuseeVous”, Bonnefanten Ateliers, Hasselt, BE

2013: “Empty Stretch + Furthermore Present: Petty Thieves #3”, Petworth Citizen, Washington D.C., USA

2013: “Of The Afternoon: Pop-up Exhibition Issue #4 Launch”, Power Station Gallery, London, UK

2012: “no man’s land”, Coalface Gallery, Genk, BE

2012: 34rd International Photo-Festival, Knokke-Heist, BE

2012: "Photo Academy Award", Photo Gallery, Groningen, NL

2012: "Photo Academy Award", Photo Academy, Eindhoven, NL

2012: ”Kunst in Eigen Huis”, Leuven, BE

2011: 33rd International Photo-Festival, Knokke-Heist, BE

2011: "Photo Academy Award", Museum of Photography, Den Haag, NL

2011: "Photo Academy Award", Photo Gallery Fotogram, Amsterdam, NL

2011: ”Architecture of Fear”, House for Contemporary Art Z33, Hasselt, BE


Monographs: DUSK, Self Published (2015); SKIN Self Published (2016); Mountains, Waves and Skies, Self Published (2016); Beyond Time, Self Published (2017); Beyond Time Special edition, VOID publishing + TIPI bookshop (2019); Blind Spot, Void Publishing (2022); Particles, Origini Edizioni (2025)

Books: Der Greif - A Process; New Dutch Photography Talent 2015

Printed Magazines: HUMO; De Fotograaf; Digifoto; Vignette; De Morgen; Der Greif; Of The Afternoon; Petty Thieves; Zuiderlucht; New Dawn; Focus; Glamcult; BLOW; De Standaard Weekblad; Spunk; H ART Magazine #179; Yoghurt Magazine; Void Magazine; The Art Couch; Scena9; Hotshoe Magazine #209; Pellicola Magazine #01; FotoFilmic #19

Online: .get inspired!; SNOR; ilovethatphoto; Urban crafts TV; Voight Kampff; D!ng; Der Greif; Prism; Sir; Stampsy; DRECK; Phases; SEEANCE; Flourish Flori; Clikclk; Our Age Is 13; The Ones We Love; Darwin; The Latent Image; Metal Magazine; World Photography Organisation; Glamcult; Art Magazin; Self Publish, Be Happy; Dienacht; New Dawn; Stitch; Democratic Jungle; American Suburb X; The Virtual Bookshelf; Urbanautica; New Photodynamism; BKN; Yogurt Magazine; Sixteen Journal; Folie a Plusieurs; The Art Couch; AnOther Magazine; The Word Magazine; Les Petits Belges; Dodho Magazine; Kwerfeldein Magazine; Safelight Paper; Discarded Magazine; Juxtapoz; El Pais;; Gallery Viewer; Musee Magazine; Belgian Platform for Photobooks; Analog Magazine;

Special Edition Prints:

The Female Gaze; Reflexions 2.0